
Umbria - Perugia - Todi

Villa in Campagna Due

€ 700.000

Nice typical Umbrian estate with stone houses, pool and mini golf course. Renovated in 2005

  • Area 360 Sq
  • Sq 7.000 Sq
  • Bedrooms 6 Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms 8 Bathrooms
  • Pool Pool

Umbria - Perugia - Todi

Casa in Campagna

€ 320.000

country house, hillside location, view of hills, olive groves and vineyards

  • Area 820 Sq
  • Sq 25.000 Sq
  • Bedrooms 4 Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms 2 Bathrooms

Umbria - Perugia - Todi

Casa in Campagna

€ 290.000

Country house, hillside location, view of hills, olive groves and vineyards

  • Area 720 Sq
  • Sq 12.000 Sq
  • Bedrooms 4 Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms 2 Bathrooms


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